Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Ambidextry advantage

You have a left hand, but you barely use it.
Do you like being one-sided and handicapped?
Two dominant hands are better than one!

Ambidextry and memory

Having a close left-handed relative makes right-handers better at remembering events than those from exclusively right-handed families, new research suggests. There is a downside, however, as members of these ambidextrous families may be relatively impaired in their ability to recall facts.

Having a close left-handed relative makes right-handers better at remembering events than those from exclusively right-handed families, new research suggests. There is a downside, however, as members of these ambidextrous families may be relatively impaired in their ability to recall facts.

First day ambidextrous challenge! yeaaaahh!

Writen with my left hand :p that's good It's like I'm back when I was 10 years old! love that!

So today 1 Janvier 2013 is my first day of my 12 months ambidextrous challenge, I will update this blog

Right brain vs Left brain

As you can see in this picture the left hemisphere of the brain controle the right part of the body and the right hemisphere controle the left part, it's all inversed.