As you can see in this picture the left hemisphere of the brain controle the right part of the body and the right hemisphere controle the left part, it's all inversed.
-Critical thinking
-Critical thinking
On the other hand the right side of the brain regulates artistic activities such as painting, drawing, music, dance...
-Recognizing faces
-Expressing emotions
-Reading emotions
-Expressing emotions
-Reading emotions
What about the ambidextrous brain? oO
The hemispheres of ambidextrous people’s brains are almost symmetric… that's why some studies shown that ambidextrous people can have more chance to developp schizophrenia.
But it could be an advantage because both side of their brain are developed so they could be good at many things.
In my opinion learning how to you use your non dominante part of your body is all benefit, as a right-handed person, learning how to use my left body side should help me developing my right brain thereby my artistic and creativity skills should improve.
But it's all studies and theories, that's why I decided to make this challenge and see the reality of being ambidextrous.
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