Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First day ambidextrous challenge! yeaaaahh!

Writen with my left hand :p that's good It's like I'm back when I was 10 years old! love that!

So today 1 Janvier 2013 is my first day of my 12 months ambidextrous challenge, I will update this blog
regulary to show you my progress and share my news feeling about it.
I will share with you what do I feel and if I notice any improvement in my daily life and activities such as working, boxing, languages learning and more..

So I'm gonna start with basic things with my left hand such as washing my teeth, writing few sentences, and eating but all of that without forcing myself  it's better to start slowly at the begening, otherwise you will be discouraged.

Edit: So my first day is over and the simple tasks with my left hand such as washing my teeth and eating wasn't easy at all but I'm sure I'll get use to it very soon.
I'll let you some new in a week or two.

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